Schooling work with products BINARGON


We will teach you different methods of work and at the same time we can help in the training to find appropriate processes for handling orders, communication with customers, suppliers ...

1. You will learn the proper procedures

We will teach you how to effectively fulfil product catalog, how to easily set transport prices and products. In addition, we will discuss with you your specific needs and questions.

2. Make your work quicklier

We will show you the shortest way to solve your everyday tasks. Personal training is the fastest way to get to know the most important part of your e-shop.

3. We will help you find the weak points

We have more than 11 years of experience with the operation of e-shops. We will notify you at the most common pitfalls encountered. You will not repeat the mistakes of others.

Training in BINARGON office

We will welcome you directly in our offices. We can organize training for both individuals and larger groups of participants.

Training in your company

To organize training directly in your company? We will come to you. This type of training is particularly suitable for training of large numbers of users.