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 BINARGON s.r.o.

Hlavní třída 107

738 02 Frýdek-Místek

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Post address


Ostravská 952

738 02 Frýdek-Místek


Company data

business number: 27819001    VAT number: CZ27819001

BINARGON in company register

Company register

VAT payers

Register statement


Bank account

Czech Republic

Fio banka, a.s.:

č.ú.: 2100138989 / 2010,

IBAN: CZ6220100000002100138989



Fio banka, a.s.,

č.ú.: 2100138989 / 8330

Where you can find BINARGON


If you asked locals, as guaranteed landmarks would be "Cross subway" Librex bookstore or bookshop Leo Bilek.


Our office is located between Místecký Square and the exit of the "cross underpass" under the street "hlavní třída", respectively under the traffic of the streets Hlavní třída, Frýdlantská and Ostrava.


Pay attention when using the navigation


If you intend to rely on your GPS navigation when travelling, you should not enter as a destination Hlavní třída street. For historical reasons, there Frýdek - Místek street " Hlavní třída " and street "Hlavní". In our experience, no GPS can not see the difference between these streets and bring you to the wrong place.


Correct GPS coordinates:


Loc: 49°41'38.177"N, 18°19'48.848"E